
Welcome to my site!

Here on The Nubian Review I will share my thoughts on Books, Movies, and everything in between. My immediate inspirations come from what I see around my environment and how those things effect my outlook of the world in whole. My micro thoughts slowly evolved into macro curiosity to life’s questions, which led to my gurgitation a lot of great books. Books that led to an ongoing search and exploration undoubtedly increasing my understanding of life outside myself and my own viewpoints.

The Nubian Review is my platform to share with the world my discoveries through reading, absorbing, reflecting and finally sharing my genuine with thoughts with you, the audience. Most of the books I will be sharing are nonfiction with a great focus on African and Black Life and Culture. As we are a non-monolithic group of people, the lives we live are vastly different but sometimes judged by the world as the same. In my readings of great African men and women of the past and present, I see this tapestry of a group of people whose stories have different beginnings but cross over time similar threads which made a difference. They did something in that moment of history that changed the landscape of many, mostly for the greater good.

Importantly, I’m sharing my views are a Black woman whose experiences have shaped how I engage the world as the it reciprocate my actions. I hope to engage and enlighten my audience on my truths and share conversations about life, love, religion, politics, beauty, relationships, travel, money, family, and sometimes my pets AS I SEE IT.

Hope you stick around,


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